Ďalšie rekonštruované priestory Prírodovedeckej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach na Jesennej 5 v Košiciach budú od dnešného dňa slúžiť študentom i vedcom tejto univerzity. Rekonštruované priestory a prístroje, ktorých hodnota je viac ako milión eur, budú slúžiť výskumu v oblasti proteínového inžinierstva nanomedicíny, bioenergetiky, a paleobiológii. Vybavenie nových laboratórií výrazne zvýši vedecko-výskumnú…
Nové laboratóriá pre biovedný výskum
Košice Region Innovation Awards 2023
Košice Region Innovation Awards 2023 Tím Centra Interdisciplinárnych Biovied pod vedením doc. RNDr. Erika Sedláka, DrSc. bol nominovaný na cenu Inovačného centra Košického kraja v spolupráci s Košickým samosprávnym krajom a zakladajúcimi partnermi združenia v kategórii najlepší vedec/vedecký tím Košického kraja. CIB bol na uvedenú cenu nominovaný za vynikajúcu publikačnú činnosť…
Summer School On Directed Evolution Of Proteins
Summer School on Directed Evolution of Proteins will take place, for the first time, at Center for Interdisciplinary Biosciences TIP-UPJŠ in Košice in May 2nd – May 12th 2023. This school will be joint with the Workshop on Directed Evolution of Proteins, where experts will present lectures on protein evolution, design and purification of proteins. Participating…
Prednáška doc. Humeníka
Dňa 5.apríla 2023 sa uskutočnila pozvaná prednáška doc. RNDr. Martina Humeníka, PhD., absolventa Katedry organickej chémie PF UPJŠ pôsobiaceho od roku 2006 na Univerzite v Bayreuthe, Nemecko, na tému „Structural protein from protein folding to materials science“. Prednáška doc. Humenika sa týkala atraktívneho výskumu v oblasti biomateriálov na báze pavúčích vlákien.…
Visegrad Grant Kickoff
Dolni Brezany, Czech Republic – On February 20th and 21st, 2023, researchers from ELI Beamlines hosted a kick-off meeting on Heme Proteins in Action. The event was held at ELI Beamlines in Dolni Brezany, Czech Republic and was attended by experts from Institute of Organic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences…
XXVIIth Biochemistry congress
Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen: I am happy to invite you to XXVIIth Biochemistry congress, which will take place on September 10th-13th, 2023 in the amazing environment of the High Tatras in Slovakia. The congress bears the motto: “50 years of recombinant DNA – Past, Present, Future” to commemorate…
Workshop On Single-Molecule Protein Folding
Workshop on single-molecule protein folding 03/2023 in Antholz, Italy The Single Molecule Folding Workshop took place from the 13th to the 17th of March 2023 and was organized as a joint event by Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia (UPJS) and Technical University of Munich, Germany (TUM) in Antholz, Italy.…
Šafárik University meets Brussels
V dňoch 6. až 8. decembra 2022 sa v Bruseli uskutočnila návšteva delegácie zloženej zo zástupcov a zástupkýň Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach (UPJŠ) a Košického klastra nového priemyslu – Cassovia New Industry Cluster (CNIC). Sprava P. Miškovský, P. Sovák, M. Bideau Repčíková a I. Pezlár pred hlavnou budovou Európskej komisie. Autor: Tomáš Zavatčan.…
Support of Czech-BioImaging
New collaboration between the Center for Interdisciplinary Biosciences and the IPHYS Biomedical Imaging Facility of Czech-BioImaging via a call for research projects. The group of Dr. Veronika Huntošová in collaboration with assoc. prof. Miroslava Martinková has succeeded in obtaining the support of Czech-BioImaging for a project: „Imaging mitochondrial heterogeneity and lipid…
The cover of Biophysics Reviews
The article “Single-molecule mechanical studies of chaperones and their clients,” has been featured on the cover of Biophysics Reviews. Congratulations to author Gabriel Žoldák (CIB). Link: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0098033