ZEISS and CIB organized workshop in advanced imaging During July and August 2024, we enhanced our collaboration with ZEISS company, the specialists in microscopy. RNDr. Veronika Huntošová, PhD. from Center for Interdisciplinary Biosciences (CIB) and ZEISS organized workshop in advanced imaging with demonstration of modern LSM 900 microscope with Airyscan…
ZEISS and CIB organized workshop in advanced imaging
CIB members awarded with Fellowships for excellent researchers R2-R4
CIB members awarded with Fellowships for excellent researchers R2-R4. Successful applications from CIB in call 09I03-03-V04 Fellowships for excellent researchers R2-R4 Five project applications were submitted by the members of the Center for Interdisciplinary Biosciences (CIB) in the call 09I03-03-V04 Fellowships for excellent researchers R2-R4 as part of the Recovery…
Projekt ExCasProt
S radosťou oznamujeme, že sme získali financovanie na nový projekt ExCasProt z plánu obnovy. Tento projekt je pokračovaním nášho úspešného projektu CasProt a jeho cieľom je podporiť rozvoj biotechnologického výskumu proteínov na východnom Slovensku. Číslo projektu: 09I01-03-V04-00041 Projekt ExCasProt sa zameriava na: 🔬 Vývoj inovatívnych metód na…
CSMS conference MICROSCOPY 2024
Participation of CIB members at CSMS conference MICROSCOPY 2024. The Czechoslovak Microscopy Society (CSMS) is a voluntary organisation gathering of scientists, pedagogical, technical and other specialists in the area of electron, optical, and other types of microscopy. Its purpose is to develop and advance standards in the field, to provide…
CIB participation in INTEGRATED SERVICES FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASE OUTBREAK RESEARCH – ISIDORe RNDr. Veronika Huntošová, PhD. is one of the users whose project is supported by ISIDORe, a large-scale multidisciplinary consortium addressing the users’ needs. ISIDORe provides an integrated portfolio of cutting-edge research services and resources to study epidemic-prone pathogens…
New bilateral collaboration of CIB with MedUni Wien
New bilateral collaboration of CIB with MedUni Wien New collaboration of CIB was established with The Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engeneering at Medical University of Vienna. Reasearch interest of RNDr. Veronika Huntošová’s group and Assoc. prof. Angelika Unterhuber’s group is supported with bilateral APVV project between SLOVAKIA and…
Research project on CIB is supported by canSERV programme and EuroBioimaging
Research project on CIB is supported by canSERV programme and EuroBioimaging canSERV is an EU-funded project under the Horizon Europe programme that provides cutting edge, interdisciplinary and customised oncology services across the entire cancer continuum. The aim is to offer a comprehensive portfolio of oncology-related research services available to all…
Výročná cena rektora
Výročná cena rektora Každoročne je tradične udeľovaná Cena rektora za uplynulý akademický rok. V tomto akademickom roku 2023/2024 boli nominované aj naše študentky Mgr. Terézia Gulyásová a Bc. Barbara Havrišová, ktoré pod vedením RNDr. Veroniky Džupponovej, PhD. prezentovali svoje výskumné práce na univerzitnej (ŠVK UPJŠ) aj medzinárodnej (ČSŠVK vo fyzike)…
Plán obnovy a odolnosti
S radosťou oznamujeme, že náš kolega doc. RNDr. Gabriel Žoldák DrSc. sa stal úspešným uchádzačom v rámci výzvy POO Veľké projekty pre excelentných výskumníkov, 09I03-03-V03 s projektom: “Establishing Slovakia’s First Cutting-Edge Advanced Laser Tweezers Laboratory for In-Depth Analysis of Molecular Forces in Clinically Relevant Hsp70 clients”. Srdečne mu k…
Cesta časom
Dňa 25.5.2024 sa uskutočnila akcia v Slovenskej národnej knižnici v Martine pod názvom Cesta časom, na ktorú boli pozvaní: náš prvý astronaut, pán Ing. Ivan Bella a doc. RNDr. Martin Kundrát PhD. z Centra interdisciplinárnych biovied UPJŠ v Košiciach. Išlo o popularizáciu kozmonautiky, astronómie, evolúcie života a biodiverzity pre širokú…