Participation of CIB members at CSMS conference MICROSCOPY 2024.
The Czechoslovak Microscopy Society (CSMS) is a voluntary organisation gathering of scientists, pedagogical, technical and other specialists in the area of electron, optical, and other types of microscopy. Its purpose is to develop and advance standards in the field, to provide conceptual prognosis/assessment, and to promote the results of the research in the field.
This year, the CSMS MICROSCOPY 2024 congress was held at the Hotel Atrium in Nový Smokovec on May 20-22, 2024.
Contribution of Center for Interdisciplinary Biosciences (CIB) members was highly appreciated at this bilateral meeting.
RNDr. Veronika Huntošová PhD., as a member of the CSMS board, participated in the organization of the congress. Based on her expertise in biomedical imaging, she was invited to chair Session III-Biomedical sciences.
Within this session the invited talk was given by assoc. prof. RNDr. Martin Kundrát, PhD. from CIB. The presentation entitled: “Microscopy and X-ray Imaging in Paleontology: Slovak Integrative Paleobiology Lab” was very valuable and of high interest for the CSMS audience
The results of Paleobiology lab in the field of Raman microspectroscopy was presented by RNDr. Zuzana Jurašeková, PhD. from Department of Biophysics at UPJŠ in Košice with poster presentation entitled: “Application of Raman microspectroscopy for the detection and identification of organic matter and mineral structures of the bone tissue and eggshells of extinct organisms”.
The results of Paleobiology lab are supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under grant APVV-21-0319.
The last presentation of the Session III-Biomedical sciences was given by RNDr. Veronika Huntošová, PhD. with the title: “Multimodal metal-organic framework nanoparticles for bioimaging and targeted treatment”.
Presented results originated from international collaboration with Dr. Vamosi group at the Department of Biophysics and Cell Biology at Faculty of Medicine (University of Debrecen). Our research was supported by Euro-BioImaging (, that provided us the access to imaging technologies and services via the Cellular Imaging Hungary Node (Debrecen, Hungary) and funding via the ISIDORe project under Horizon Europe grant number 101046133 and the Slovak Research and Development Agency under grant APVV-20-0340.
The CSMS conference is organized annually and provides numerous opportunities to disseminate new ideas, technologies, and applications of the microscopic approaches.