Support of Czech-BioImaging

Support of Czech-BioImaging

Support of Czech-BioImaging

New collaboration between the Center for Interdisciplinary Biosciences and the IPHYS Biomedical Imaging Facility of Czech-BioImaging via a call for research projects. The group of Dr. Veronika Huntošová in collaboration with assoc. prof. Miroslava Martinková has succeeded in obtaining the support of Czech-BioImaging for a project: „Imaging mitochondrial heterogeneity and lipid composition change in glioblastoma cells from 3D spheroids exposed to newly synthesized sphingolipids“.


Scientific significance of the project: Glioblastoma spheroids represent tumor microenvironment in which the mitochondria are the most profound organelles reacted to oxidative stress induced by anticancer treatment. Newly synthesised sphingolipids offer innovative approach of anticancer treatment that may influence lipid metabolism of cells in positive and negative manner. For this reason, investigation of mitochondria morphology, functionality and lipidic organization of the cancer cells after treatment with sphingolipids will answer the question of proper treatment protocol.

Project duration: January 11, 2023 – December 31, 2023

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